PTO » Welcome!


PTO Executive Board 2024-2025


President- Angie Pearce

Treasurer- Jennifer Smith

Secretary/Parliamentarian- Jana MacIntyre

Publicity/Programs /Inspiration- Shea Mercer

1st VP Ways and Means- Amanda Wilson

2nd VP Events - Emily Ferrand

      Co-Events Chair - Stephanie McCloud

3rd VP Membership- Allie Brewington

      Co-Membership Chair - Jessica Webster

4th VP Parental Involvement - Tara France

     Co- Parental Involvement Chair - Emily Christiansen

Student Recognition - Emily Bennett

     Co- Student Recognition Chair - Stephanie McCloud

Literacy - Mandi Barnett

Hospitality/Breakfasts - Tommy Coggins

     Co-Hospitality Chair - Brittany Nance

Angel Tree Elizabeth Miles

     Co- Angel Tree Chair - Roxanne Scarce











Please contact us for opportunities to

volunteer or get involved at Oak Elementary School!