Mrs. Christi Tate » Classroom Procedures

Classroom Procedures

Classroom Procedures

Parents and students, welcome to 5th Grade!  We are going to have an awesome time while we learn many new things.  While working together on the following procedures, we can make a difference in your child’s education by reinforcing organizational skills and good study habits.

Classroom Procedures:
1.  Students buying lunch will no longer take money to cafeteria instead it will
     be collected.  The best way to send lunch money is to go online and put
     it on the student’s account. No Lunch Charges!
2. Every morning students will unpack backpack, then sign in on an attendance chart, as well as go to restroom,   
    and complete morning work by 8:15.
3.  Student will be switching to ELA/Social Studies.
4.  Students should have 3 pencils, Reading white binder & Social Studies red folders,
     Oak agenda, and art bag for switching classes.
5.  Students will use cubbies to store homeroom books and desk will be used as a locker for changing classes.
6.  Students will have classroom job that they will do for the entire school
7.  If students are absent, they will check the absence work folder in front of
     classroom for missing assignments. Missed work must be completed in the same
     number of day missed.
8. Students will work in centers/groups throughout the year.
9. All Graded Science work will be placed in Science Binder, so look in binder for weekly grades.
10. Student papers that are graded with a D or F, must be signed by 
      parents and returned to school.  Students may be instructed to redo the
      paper and return it to teacher for better grade.
11.  During unsuitable weather condition, we will have inside recess in which the
       students will play games, draw, or do inside exercise .

This will be written daily on the homework board in the front of the classroom.  The students will record assignments in their Oak Agenda.  Each night’s assignments are due the next morning.  After your child has completed the homework for the night, please review it and then sign your initials in the Oak Agenda.  Each day we will check for completion and accuracy of the night’s homework assignment as well as for the parent initials.    Students will earn a signature on card for all completed assignments.

Graded Papers:
All graded papers will be sent home on Wednesday afternoon in the Wednesday folder.  Please look over all the papers and correct any mistakes with your child.  Return all D's and F papers with parent signature. Remember to check science binder for science graded papers. Leave those in science binder. Finally, sign on the parent signature line and return the folder on the following morning.

Interims are a progress report that will be sent home in the middle of each nine weeks. Interims may be sent home on paper or you may have signed at registration to view them on Powerschool.  The paper interim will need a parent’s signature and returned the next school day. Parents that view the interim on line will need to send a note to me stating they have looked at the interim.

We will have weekly conduct.  We will record conduct checks in our conduct notebook that will be kept in our classroom. The final weekly average will be recorded in the next week’s Tuesday Folder for the parent and student to see then sign.  The weekly grades will be averaged into a final 9-week grade.  Students with conduct averages of N will not be able to participate in Math Lab or Science Lab due to safety issues.  Student with this type of conduct grade may not be allowed to participate in other school activities.
**5th Grade Expectations**
"B ready to Roll"

1. Be Respectful
2. Be Responsible 
3. Be Ready to Learn

Labs/Group Activities:
Students will be involved in many group activities within the classroom, as well as, going to Math/Science Lab.



Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns. 
I look forward to a great year!

Mrs. Tate


Phone         Oak School      373-2646
Email           [email protected]